Closing Letter

Thoughts on closing Isabel Garretón after 30+ years of success and fulfilling our social mission... 

On June 30th, 2022 Isabel Garreton, Inc. closed, the company I founded over 30 years ago with one goal in mind: to provide a dignified work opportunity to underprivileged women through the development of a finely designed and crafted collection of children’s clothing.

When Covid first arrived it quickly became clear our company would be among those first in line to suffer the impact. The prospect of something happening to the company and to those who depend on it, leaving them like kites in the sky without a string, was overwhelming. This unexpected reality propelled me to organize a purposeful closure, with my sole objective being to provide some lasting financial security and independence to those who work for our company in the USA and abroad.

The staying power of Isabel Garreton as a brand, the number and exclusivity of its loyal customers accumulated over 30 years, presence in the best stores in the country and the absence of debt generated serious interest in the Isabel Garreton brand. We entertained offers but decided against selling the brand because it is my name and no interested parties convinced me they would continue the ethical manufacturing approach that has defined who we are.

Pioneering a different type of business conceived to help underprivileged women 30 years ago was met for a long time with disbelief, distrust and laughter, including from people close to me, as well as institutions. The path we took was not easy, it was intense and took many turns. I never gave up or measured the effort, and I loved the work, the people from many places in the world who came into my life, the creative space gifted to me and the beauty in what we did and how we did it.

To those who gave us advice, support, friendship, inspiration, their work, raw materials, and finished goods, to those who invested in our brand’s success, and to those who chose our designs; and made them part of their lives and family memories, THANK YOU. All the forms in which you participated in this endeavor allowed us to achieve our singular goal; because of what we did together many women were empowered to live fuller lives and raise and educate their children with pride and dignity.

I will move on missing you all and wishing you the best.

Thank you again.

Isabel Garreton